We assists clients in patentability searches for determining whether the product/invention under audit can be legally patented. Even minor inventions may have business potential and patenting these in time will help protect the same. It is also possible to secure inventions related to processes and methods of manufacturing which clients would not want your competitors to copy.
Contravention search results are perhaps the single most useful piece of information that a organization can possess about patents. If a patent is already held by a competitor on a product or process that you are consult using, the knowledge of its existence can help prevent you from being an action for patent violation. We control a comprehensive contravention search to uncover relevant patents. Inversely, if one of your patents is infringed, we can assist clients in undertaking appropriate action against the offending party.
Application Drafting
DQS LPO professional hold application drafting on favor of our clients and particular project is handled with individual care and diligence. We have adequate experience and expertise in patent application drafting – offering you quality work, best industry practices, and competitive pricing.
Status Tracking
Status tracking involves effective communication between patent applicant and the patent examiner to whom application has been assigned. In some times, where face-to-face interviews with the patent auditor is required in order to address and solve relevant issues, We can appear in such face to face interaction and help resolve issues. We keep our clients updated about the latest developments throughout the entire patent application process.